2011.05.04 Today online a new illustration of the Ego vs anti-Ego writing system in Augustan poetry : only in French for the moment. Have a fruitful reading !
2011.04.14 A new modification to Jeux de Masques
2011.03.20 On the occasion of the 2053th anniversary of Ovid’s birthday, I invite you to read a new article entitled Achille dans les Métamorphoses d'Ovide. Hoping you will enjoy it.
2011.03.02 Today online Properce et Cynthia, where Propertius’ first ten elegies are examined from the angle of the antagonism between Ego and anti-Ego. Have a fruitful reading!
2011.02.02 Soon on this site you will be proposed an ebook entitled La Nuit de Virgile : Chronique d’un crime impuni. At the borders of dream and reality, this book tries to imagine the ultimate confrontation between the poet and his assassin. The life and works of Virgil are revisited in the new light of cacozelia latens. I hope you will enjoy it…
2011.01.16 The RBPH can now be consulted online. If you want to read the articles numbered 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 28, 29 and 33 in the present Bibliography, go to http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/rbph. Or search Persée + Maleuvre.
2010.12.24 ‘‘Mourir à Pérouse’’ : A new experiment of the Ego vs anti-Ego theory. Now online in French, soon in English.
2010.12.08 Today is the 2074th anniversary of Horace’s birth. As a modest homage to his genius, I propose a new interpretation of Satires 2. 3 and 2. 7 in an article entitled ‘‘Le prince, le poète et l’esclave’’: or how a certain ‘slave’ takes advantage of Saturnalia, one of the most popular Roman festivals, that was marked by a reversal of social roles, to tell his ‘master’ a few home truths. But which is the master? which the poet? which the slave? Have a festive reading!
2010. 11.27 Today is the 2017th anniversary of Horace’s death. Trebatius had warned him: O puer, ut sis / Vitalis metuo, et maiorum nequis amicus / Frigore te feriat. (Sat. 2. 1. 60-62). ‘‘Lad, / I fear for your life, lest one of your powerful / Friends freeze you dead.’’ (transl. A. S. Kline). His prophecy, alas, turned out to be true : http://www.espace-horace.org/etud/maleuvre1.htm
2010.10.15 Today is the 2079th anniversary of Virgil’s birth. Let’s all rejoice! On this occasion, you can find online “Is Diomedes a liar?”, a new example of the Mantuan Swan’s prodigious virtuosity in the art of cacozelia latens. Have a fruitful reading!
2010.09.28 Today online: "The Julian Star", where a famous comet's traditional date is reconsidered. Have a good reading!