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Virgil Murder




Erratum: At the end of the article "Who's Afraid of Turnus?" (Page 22), you obviously have to delete the sentence “Indeed…knowledge”. Thank you, and good reading to all.



I propose in Catulle ou l’anti-César (Paris, 1998) to identify with Calvus the mysterious "brother" so loved by Catullus. Here is a new clue to this effect. At verse 30 of Poem 68, devoted to the death of this "brother", we read Id, Malli, non est turpe, sed magis miserum est ("It's not a shame, Mallius, but rather a misfortune"). Clear and poignant echo to these words of Calvus, that Seneca the Elder has transmitted to us (Controv. 7,4-8): Credite mihi, iudices, non est turpe misereri. Strangely enough, no commentator, to my knowledge, had mentioned it. 



Today is the anniversary of the birth of Augustus, founder of the Roman Empire, and incidentally "poet" in his spare time: last update.



We commemorate today the sad anniversary of Virgil’s death. Everybody knows the famous epitaph:

Mantua me genuit, Calabri rapuere, nunc tenet

Parthenope. Cecini pascua, rura, duces.

“Mantua gave birth to me, (the) Calabrians killed me, Parthenope now / holds me; I sang of pastures, plowlands, and leaders.”

But could it be that this simple couplet secretly reestablishes the truth about the death of the poet, and even informs us about the identity of his murderer?





On this 2081st anniversary of Horace’s birth, let us pay homage to his genius, and free his work from his very assassin’s fraudulent additions.



We commemorate today the 2024th anniversary of Horace’s death. A murder? http://www.espace-horace.org/etud/maleuvre1.htm.

But for those still cherishing illusions about the relationship between Horace and Augustus, perhaps this short note could help.



On this 2086th anniversary of Virgil’s birth, place to good mood! 



It was on September 23, 63 BC, that the Emperor Augustus was born, a great exterminator of poets, and a "poet" himself in his hours, even if he had to attribute his productions to his own victims.

Exemplary in this respect is the case of Properce.



We commemorate today the sad anniversary of Virgil’s death. A good opportunity perhaps to revisit his famous epitaph:

Mantua me genuit, Calabri rapuere, tenet nunc

Parthenope. Cecini pascua, rura, duces.


Let us also have on this day a thought for Tibullus, who followed him into the grave (or rather to the Elysian Fields) at about the same time. Do you believe in coincidences?



Is Aen. 6.767-68 interpolated too ? See now n. 24 of "Auguste profanateur des Muses". Have a good reading!

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